Bulgaria has announced the new Intrastat thresholds for the year 2022. The thresholds for Intrastat reporting purposes are summarized as follows:
- for dispatches: BGN 780,000 (currently, BGN 270,000); and
- for arrivals: BGN 520,000 (currently, BGN 430,000).
The thresholds for declaring statistical value are as follows:
- for dispatches: BGN 18,600,000 (currently, BGN 14,700,000); and
- for arrivals: BGN 8,400,000 (currently, BGN 7,300,000).
The threshold for simplified reporting of single low-value transactions will remain unchanged, i.e. BGN 390.
The full text of the announcement, gazetted on 29 October 2021, is available here (in Bulgarian only).