July 2021 / Bulgaria

July 21 2021

Bulgaria: National Recovery and Resilience Plan – What to Expect?

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Version 1.3 , is structured in four pillars and is worth 12.6 billion leva.

The latest version of the Plan, revised by the caretaker Council of Ministers, is available for public discussion before its forthcoming finalization at: https://www.nextgeneration.bg/. The last sanction for making long-term commitments, set as a requirement by EU services, will be expected from the parties in Parliament, said the office of caretaker Deputy Prime Minister for EU Funds Management Atanas Pekanov. The National Recovery and Resilience Plan includes 57 investments and 43 reforms. The concentration of reform efforts is highest in the ''Business Environment'' and ''Low Carbon Economy'' measures within the four pillars. The first pillar, "Innovative Bulgaria", aims to increase the competitiveness of the economy and transform it into an economy based on knowledge and smart growth through measures in the field of education, digital skills, science, innovation, technology and the interrelations between them. This pillar provides for 27.4 per cent of the resources under the Plan. The "Green Bulgaria" pillar focuses on sustainable management of natural resources, allowing a meeting of the current needs of the economy and society, while maintaining environmental sustainability, so that these needs can continue to be met in the long run. This pillar provides for 36.8 per cent of the resources under the Plan. The "Connected Bulgaria'' pillar focuses on increasing the competitiveness and sustainable development of the country's regions, such as improving transport and digital connectivity, as well as promoting local development, based on the specific local potential. This pillar provides for 17.8 per cent of the resources under the Plan. The "Fair Bulgaria" pillar focuses on disadvantaged people. It aims to achieve more inclusive and sustainable growth and shared prosperity for all, as well as put an emphasis on building effective and responsible public institutions sensitive to business needs and the needs of the citizens. This pillar provides for 18 per cent of the resources under the Plan. Under the "Education and Skills" measure of the Plan, most funds (4.5 per cent) will be provided for modernization of educational institutions in order to achieve a more attractive and quality environment for learning and innovation. Under the "Health" measure, 3 per cent of the resources will go into the modernization of the health system in Bulgaria by providing modern and innovative medical equipment for hospitals. Under the "Social Inclusion" measure, most money (5.1 per cent) is provided for ongoing support for deinstitutionalization of care for the elderly and people with disabilities . Under the "Business Environment" measure, most funds (1.3 per cent) will be provided for the construction of a National Complex Centre and a network for monitoring, control and management. Under the "Local Development" measure, most funds (2.4 per cent) will be allocated for a programme for construction/completion/reconstruction of water supply and sewerage systems, including wastewater treatment plants for agglomerations between 2,000 and 10,000 population equivalent. Under the "Transport Connectivity" measure, most funds (2.3 per cent) are planned for the digitalization in railway transport through modernization of safety systems and energy efficiency in railway lines of the main and wide-ranging TEN-T network. Under the "Digital Connectivity" measure, 4.2 per cent of funds will be provided for large-scale deployment of digital infrastructure.

Source: Novinite

July 26 2021

Bulgaria News Review (Luglio 2021)

Aumento dei salari fino al 20%

Da una recente indagine effettuata tra i datori di lavoro in tutti i settori e le regioni della Bulgaria, è emerso che il Paese sta andando incontro ad un aumento dei salari fino al 20%. Il motivo di tale crescita sta nella mancanza di personale specializzato che si è registrata nell'ultimo anno, soprattutto in settori che si sono rivelati essere strategici durante la pandemia da Covid-19 come l'informatica, la consulenza, il manufatturiero e il commerciale. Dall'indagine sui datori di lavoro è risultato che gli aumenti principali avverranno nelle città di Sofia, Burgas, Varna, con una crescita stimata tra il 10% e il 20%, e Plovdiv, dove si fermerà intorno al 10%. (source: Newsletter Confindustria Bulgaria)

La Borsa di Sofia apre una sezione per il mercato internazionale

La Borsa di Sofia (BSE) ha dichiarato di aver aperto la sezione dedicata al mercato internazionale BSE per permettere agli investitori locali di investire direttamente in aziende internazionali rinomate. Sulla lista dei possibili investimenti, figurano nomi quali Apple, Google, Tesla e General Electric Co. insieme ad altre tra le società internazionali tra le più grandi al mondo. Questa strategia renderà la Borsa di Sofia un mercato più attraente, aumentando il numero di strumenti finanziari trattati. (source: Newsletter Confindustria Bulgaria)

Commissione Europea: il PIL reale della Bulgaria in aumento rispetto alle previsioni

Secondo le Previsioni Economiche sull'Economia Europea effettuate dalla Commissione Europea, il PIL reale della Bulgaria aumenterà del 4.6% nel 2021 e del 4.2% nel 2022. Ciò è dovuto alla forte ripresa registrata nel primo trimestre che, tuttavia, sarà bilanciata da possibili ulteriori chiusure dovute al basso tasso di vaccinazione nel Paese. A guidare la ripresa saranno i beni industriali non energetici e il settore del cibo confezionato, portando ad un rialzo dell'inflazione, attesa intorno al 2.5% circa. Questo andamento favorevole sarà supportato dall'implementazione del Piano di Recupero e Resilienza. (source: Newsletter Confindustria Bulgaria)

La Bulgaria è tra i primi 10 Paesi UE per l'aumento dei prezzi delle case

Secondo i dati registrati dall'Agenzia di Statistica europea, Eurostat, la Bulgaria vede aumentare i prezzi delle case e degli affitti anche nel primo trimestre del 2021. La Bulgaria presenta un aumento del 7,5% sul prezzo degli immobili nel periodo gennaio-marzo 2021, superiore rispetto alla media UE, che si attesta intorno al 6,1%. Con questi dati, il Paese si colloca all'ottavo posto per crescita dei prezzi delle case. Rispetto al quarto trimestre del 2020, la Bulgaria ha visto un aumento del 3,2%, mentre dal 2010 i prezzi delle case hanno raggiunto una crescita esponenziale, attestandosi ad un +40%. (source: Newsletter Confindustria Bulgaria)
July 1 2021

Bulgaria Confirms Plans to Join Eurozone by 2024

Bulgaria has reaffirmed its initial goal of adopting the euro from the beginning of 2024, and it has now become clear that the process is planned to pass without a transition period, and the date of adoption of the euro to coincide with its introduction as an official payment currency.

This is clear from the summary of the National Plan for the Introduction of the Euro in Bulgaria, which was adopted at a meeting of the Coordination Council for Preparation of the Republic of Bulgaria for eurozone Membership, co-chaired by the Governor of the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) Dimitar Radev and Finance Asen Vassilev, announced by the Ministry of Finance (MoF).

The document is extremely important because it describes the principles, the institutional and legal-regulatory framework for the adoption of the euro, as well as the main activities for the successful introduction of the single currency.

The indicative date for membership in the monetary union is maintained as January 1st 2024. The conversion will be done by applying the irrevocably fixed exchange rate between the euro and the lev.

After the introduction of the euro within a month, the lev and the euro will be both legal tender.

The draft National Plan will be published for public discussion before its submission for consideration by the Council of Ministers.

The document addresses all the important operational activities and measures that participants in preparation for the introduction of the euro - the private, public sector and citizens - should carry out as part of the process of adopting the single currency.

It defines the rules for recalculation of prices and other values, explains the procedures for exchanging cash and for converting BGN deposits and loans with fixed and variable interest rates.

The procedures for the supply and distribution of euro banknotes and coins are indicated as well as the necessary legislative changes are described.

Source: Novinite