China issues 2024 version of the Import and Export Tariffs
The Ministry of Finance (MOF) released on December 29, 2023 the Import and Export Tariffs of the People's Republic of China (2024 Version), which will take effect on January 1, 2024. It is clarified that laws and regulations that stipulate otherwise on the import and export tax items and rates will prevail.
Import tariffs include the table of tax items and rates, the general classification rules, notes to the categories, notes to chapters, notes to subitems, and notes to domestic subitems. The table of tax items and rates includes columns for serial number, tariff codes, goods names, most-favored-nation tax rates, agreed tax rates, preferential tax rates and general tax rates. It has integrated the adjustments made by the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council on tariff items, most-favored-nation tax rates, agreed tax rates, preferential tax rates, general tax rates and relevant provisional tax rates, as well as the notes to domestic subitems in its No.10 (2023) Announcement.